
Not Dead Yet - Speaker for the Dead Series

Posted by Rob Hern on

This week, Short Finger is releasing Not Dead Yet for the second time. It's a Nelson and Citra IPA that is quite frankly delicious (if you are into hazy hops). Not Dead Yet is part of our Speaker for the Dead series, and a few people have asked and commented about this. They were wondering why it fell into the series that pays homage to breweries that are no longer with us, given that it isn't a tribute to a specific brewery. The plan had been to open-source this recipe and label it for any brewer, whether professional or homebrewer, to...

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Speaker for the Dead: The Rebirth of Pulp

Posted by Rob Hern on

The first release in the Speaker for the Dead series is the second beer we ever released as an actual brewery. Our first release was Close Your Eyes (and count to funk) with Sam from Sawdust City. The second was Pulp with Barncat Artisanal Ales. The release of Pulp, looking back on it, feels like a high point for craft beer in the Tri-Cities area, but I have some personal skin in the game. Great beer was being created, and people were excited and wanted to be involved. There is obviously a little sorrow in this post as the craft beer...

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Where are you Half Hours on Earth? (Updated - we found them... sort of)

Posted by Rob Hern on

UPDATE - ROB DID FIND THEM - Rob can't find Kyle and Kristen from Half Hours on Earth so they don't know we are finally releasing our collab beer Reducto.

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Thoughts on the rebrand

Posted by Rob Hern on

If you’ve been paying attention to the journey that is Short Finger 2023, thanks. I won’t lie, the past 12 months have been tough. The reels and images that go out through our social media feeds sometimes feel like bullshit, if I’m being totally honest, but I don’t think many people want to watch a grown man cry while telling you how exciting it is to completely overhaul his business. I guess there’s probably a few people who’d like to see it, but I’ve been advised that it’s better to post reels that show me sawing things and drinking that...

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Thoughts on the Rebrand

Posted by Rob Hern on

If you’ve been paying attention to the journey that is Short Finger 2023, thanks. I won’t lie, the past 12 months have been tough. The reels and images that go out through our social media feeds sometimes feel like bullshit, if I’m being totally honest...

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